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Rocky shore biology online course – a guide for rock pool explorers

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Rocky shore biology online course – a guide for rock pool explorers

The Two Oceans Aquarium Foundation is excited to offer an online Rocky Shores Biology course from 2 to 25 February for ages 16 and up! This course is aimed at adults who want to learn more about the amazing rocky shore ecosystem found along the Cape Peninsula shoreline. What is the difference between the two oceans off the Southern African coastline? Which animals and seaweeds can you find living in the rock pools? When is the best time to visit these rock pools? What impacts do we have on the ocean and what can we do to mitigate these impacts?

This course is for the hobbyist rocky shore explorer, who would like to find out more about the animals and plants that live in this dynamic environment. We will introduce the basics of the rocky shore as an ecosystem, tides and zonation and classification. The major sea plants found along our shores will be covered, and how to identify them. The course will also include the major invertebrate phyla, such as sponges, Cnidaria, annelid worms, echinoderms and mollusks. Learn about the amazing adaptations that these plants and animals have developed, to survive in the, often harsh, conditions of the rocky shores.

Rocky Shores Lesson March2018 D Bowen 16

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