Soles have compressed, asymmetrical bodies with both eyes on the same side of the head.
They are found in temperate and tropical oceans around the world. There are about 13 known species of sole in southern African waters.
Soles are:
- Right-eyed flatfishes – both eyes are found on the right side of the body.
- A sluggish, bottom-dwelling species.
- Camouflage artists – they are sandy coloured and blend into the sand. They also burrow beneath the sand.
Zebra soles have poison glands at the base of each fin ray. If they are attacked, the poison is powerful enough to make the predator release it immediately.
Soles are a popular eating fish.
Soles get their name from solea – which means sandal or sole of the foot.
SASSI status: East coast sole is Orange
Evileye pufferfish
Evileye puffers are found in the Indo-West Pacific, mainly along continental shores from Maputo to False Bay.
Round moony (natal moony)
Adult moonies live in rivers, estuaries and harbours whereas juveniles are common in freshwater or estuaries, in seagrass or algae beds. The round moony is less common off the South African south coast than the oval moony.
Both species do well in aquariums.
Grow to a size of between 20 and 25cm.
Cape moony (oval moony)
Moonies are at home in fresh water and salt water. They occur in large shoals in rivers, estuaries, harbours and in the sea from Tanzania to the Breë River (also reported from Madagascar) and are common off the South African south coast. They are active at night and feed on shrimp and small crabs.
They are sometimes called kite fish because of their shape.
Leopard catshark
Although they prefer the shallow coastal waters of the southern and western Cape, leopard catsharks live at depths up to 250m off the Eastern Cape.
Maasbanker (horse mackerel)
Maasbanker occur in large shoals and are trawled from the ocean depths during the day. At night they come to the surface to feed on plankton, which they strain from the water using their gill rakers.
They are an important food source for humans as well as dolphins, tuna, yellowtail and various seabirds.
SASSI status: Green
White stumpnose
White stumpnose are an endemic southern African coastal species found in large shoals.
Juveniles use estuaries as nursery areas. Minimum legal catch size is 20 cm.
Ichthyologist Margaret Smith said that, when adult dageraad die, they are ‘the most beautiful of all creatures, as waves of different colours pass over the body’. ‘Dageraad’ is Dutch for ‘dawn’.
SASSI status: Red - Don’t buy or sell dageraad! Rather choose a green-listed species.
Spotted gully shark
The spotted gully shark is a small grey-brown shark covered in small, irregularly spaced black spots which become more prominent as the shark ages.
Yellowbelly rockcod
Large adults have been spotted in the deep canyons off Sodwana Bay where coelacanths were found. Slow-growing fish and can live up to 24 years.
SASSI status: Red - Don´t buy or sell yellowbelly rockcod! Rather choose a green-listed species.
Red steenbras (copper steenbras)
Many fishermen have stories to tell about this species. Red steenbras is one of the most popular species amongst anglers because it can be caught on just about any bait and puts up a good fight. A few decades ago these fish were plentiful, but due to their popularity, they have declined in numbers.
Although red steenbras is excellent to eat, its liver contains a toxic level of Vitamin A.
SASSI: Red—Don’t buy or sell red steenbras! Rather choose a green-listed species.
Tiger reef eel
Tiger reef eels are found in reefs in the Pacific and Indian Oceans | Two Oceans Aquarium