Meet the crowned nudibranchs at the Two Oceans Aquarium
Crowned nudibranchs are brightly coloured sea slugs that are found in Southern African waters. However, you may SEA some on your next Aquarium visit.
Discover scuba diving at the Two Oceans Aquarium
The popular PADI Discover Scuba Diving Experience is perfect for those who are interested in scuba diving, but aren't quite ready to dive in just yet. Let's take a closer look.
13 things to do at the Two Oceans Aquarium this holiday
Enjoy an unforgettable Seaster Eggsperience with your loved ones at the Two Oceans Aquarium this holiday – we’ve lined up 13 egg-citing things for you to do with your family!
Our Marine Wildlife Management Programme learned more about wildlife forensics!
The Two Oceans Aquarium Foundation’s Marine Wildlife Management Programme is always looking for opportunities to grow and learn, especially when it comes to collaborating with like-minded organisations! Recently, one of our team members participated in a training course with the Wildlife Forensic Academy (WFA).
Ocean egg-stravaganza: Which marine animals lay eggs?
Let’s see how many underwater eggs we can find this holiday! There are lots of animals in the ocean that lay eggs – from sharks and rays to turtles and penguins.
What do turtle hatchlings eat at the Two Oceans Aquarium Foundation’s Turtle Conservation Centre?
During their time in our Turtle Conservation Centre, our turtles receive medical treatment, vitamins, enrichment, and all the help they need to gain strength and become ready to be released back into the ocean. Like anyone recovering from illness, the turtles need nutritious food every day!
Tracking our Turtles: Awesome ocean travellers
It’s been a month since we’ve heard from our favourite ocean travellers… turtles Bheni, Nobomvu, Turbo, and Pan (and their satellite tags) all have exciting news for us.
Let’s hear more from Talitha Noble-Trull, Conservation Manager at the Two Oceans Aquarium Foundation’s Turtle Conservation Centre.
Thank you for joining the biggest Trash Bash yet, with FNB and Cape Town Beach Cleanup
The Two Oceans Aquarium, FNB and Cape Town Beach Cleanup teamed up for what was certainly the biggest Trash Bash beach cleanup ever!
Diving into Dreams: A Day at Two Oceans Aquarium
The Two Oceans Aquarium Foundation (TOAF) team recently collaborated with the National Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) Ocean-to-Land Inland School Intervention Programme in an attempt to learners and teachers from the inland provinces of South Africa to a marine environment and opportunities experience.
Plans for a stand-alone Turtle Conservation Centre are underway!
The Two Oceans Aquarium, in partnership with the V&A Waterfront, proudly announced last night that a new stand-alone Turtle Conservation Centre will open its doors in 2026. The state-of-the-art turtle rehabilitation facility will stand proudly on the Cape Town skyline as part of the V&A Waterfront’s Granger Bay precinct improvement project.
Cool animal facts to share with your friends and family
All of the animals at the Two Oceans Aquarium possess fascinating qualities that make them unique. Let's take a look at some cool animal facts that you may not know.
Farewell to Russell Stevens
At the end of March 2024, we bid farewell to Russell Stevens as he retired from the Two Oceans Aquarium after twenty-four years of dedicated service.