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What's it like to be an intern with the two oceans aquarium foundation?

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What's it like to be an intern with the two oceans aquarium foundation?
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Behind the Aquarium's closed doors, the Two Oceans Aquarium Foundation is hard at work developing a growing research programme, both through primary science and by supporting the academic work of local and international students. Laila Conti is an international student that has been part of our Turtle Rehabilitation Team for several months. Laila is studying aquatic eco-technology at HZ University of Applied Sciences.

"My name is Laila, I am originally from Italy and I recently graduated with a Bachelor of Water Management at the HZ University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands. Part of my studies included a six-month research project that I could do anywhere in the world, and I was lucky enough to be able to do mine at the Turtle Rehab Center."

"My research focused on water quality, specifically the efficient removal of different pollutants from the life support system of the Center. As you might know, the harbour’s water is polluted by many different activities, and it’s important that those harmful contaminants are removed as much as possible to guarantee a safer and faster rehabilitation journey for our turtles," said Laila. 

"I carry so many special memories about this experience with me, but the most amazing one is definitely my last day as a turtle intern: I had the chance to swim with my teammates and Bob!"

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"During my six months in South Africa, I learned a lot about water and turtles, but I now value conservation much more and am more aware of the importance of making more sustainable choices!"

"To other possible interns interested in the topic I would advise to just try and get involved! There is so much that still needs to be researched and discovered, and even if that sounds overwhelming, I promise the results will be gratifying."

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