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Ocean funatics online course for 6, 7 and 8 year-olds!

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Ocean funatics online course for 6, 7 and 8 year-olds!

Here's an amazing opportunity for little ocean-lovers, aged 6 to 8, to have fun and learn about the ocean online. Kids can join the Two Oceans Aquarium Foundation for the fun and insightful Ocean Funatics Course from 8 to 12 March 2021, and learn all about their favourite sea animals - from crabs to turtles!

Three of the Foundation's experienced teachers will offer a new topic every day - "Life in the rock pools", "Animal houses", "Tortoises and sea turtles", "Sharks" and "Wild animals and camouflage" - this sounds so much fun! Space is limited to 20 children so that lessons can remain live and interactive, and be more personal. Find full course details here.

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