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Waddle for the African penguin: Join us on 14 October

Come waddle with us! #NOOW African Penguin campaign

In just 100 years, African penguin numbers have dwindled from over 1.5 million to fewer than 10 000 pairs today. Their situation is dire, and while many incredible organisations work to ensure their survival, the African penguin still needs public support to ensure that it receives the needed policies and protections to avoid extinction. There is hope for the African penguin, but only if we jointly say "NOT ON OUR WATCH" - the time for action is now.

In support of this campaign, we invite the Two Oceans Aquarium community to join us on 14 October 2023, African Penguin Awareness Day, for a "waddle" around the V&A Waterfront to show support and generate awareness. This waddle will be one of many taking place around the world, all with a common cause in support of the precious African penguin.

Update: We've just added an exciting second waddle in Simon's Town in partnership with I AM WATER and Marine Dynamics.

Both waddles are free to anyone who wants to participate!

Event details (V&A Waterfront):

Attendees – please show your support by wearing black and white clothing and carrying signs that reflect your support of this campaign. We want our voices heard!

  • When: Saturday 14 October 2023 at 09h30
  • Where: Meet in front of the Two Oceans Aquarium (±3km route will end at the same place)
  • Come prepared: Wear comfortable walking shoes. Remember to bring water (in reusable water bottles) and some snacks for fuel in reusable bags – please, no plastic.
  • Get creative: Craft your own signs to create awareness, use these fantastic placards, or use the infographics on the campaign website.
  • Prizes: Plenty of spot prizes for attendees (as well as the "best-dressed" waddler)
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Event details (Simon's Town):

Attendees – please show your support by wearing black and white clothing and carrying signs that reflect your support of this campaign. We want our voices heard!

  • When: Saturday 14 October 2023 at 09h30
  • Where: Meet at Long Beach Simon's (±3km route to Boulders, 6km if you want to waddle back to Long Beach)
  • Come prepared: Wear comfortable walking shoes. Remember to bring water (in reusable water bottles) and some snacks for fuel in reusable bags – please, no plastic.
  • Get creative:  Craft your own signs to create awareness, use these fantastic placards, or use the infographics on the campaign website.
  • Prizes: Plenty of spot prizes for attendees (as well as the "best-dressed" waddler)

African penguins are facing extinction (but it's not inevitable)

Steve Benjamin Penguin 16w 2
© Steve Benjamin

The #NOOW Not On Our Watch campaign raises awareness for the plight of African penguins. African penguins are the only penguin species found on the African continent. Unfortunately, their numbers have declined dramatically in the last century – current estimates suggest that there are a mere ~10 000 breeding pairs in the wild today. If their numbers continue to decline at their current rate, these charismatic birds will be functionally extinct in the wild within 15 to 20 years.

One of the biggest threats to African penguins is food availability. These birds rely on small fish like anchovies and sardines for food. However, overfishing has decimated fish stocks and penguins struggle to find sufficient food for themselves and their chicks. Furthermore, climate change has significantly altered the marine ecosystem causing biodiversity and habitat loss. So, adult penguins must swim further than ever from their nesting grounds to find food. This compromises the health of their chicks and the adults themselves.

Guano harvesting is one of the main reasons for the earliest and most drastic decline in African penguin numbers. On the islands where thousands of penguins used to nest, guano layers (formed over hundreds of years) were the island’s substrate. African penguins nest by burrowing into this material. Historically, humans used guano as fertiliser and completely stripped penguin nesting areas by collecting tonnes of guano from these islands. As a result, African penguins were exposed to extreme weather events and other climate change-related phenomena, like severe heat and cold.

South Africa’s African penguin population is in trouble, with predation by marine and terrestrial animals, pollution, habitat loss, disease, and other human interventions contributing to their continued decline.

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The #NOOW African penguin campaign

On 1 March 2023, the “Not On Our Watch” #NOOW Campaign was launched to raise awareness of the urgent plight of the African penguin. #NOOW highlights the need for urgent action to reverse the decline of the African penguin population in the wild. The Two Oceans Aquarium wholeheartedly supports this campaign!

Go to: Learn more here
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