Shrimpfish, also known as razorfish, (Aeoliscus punctulatus) are found in the Red Sea and off the east coast of Africa from Kenya south to Algoa Bay.
These strange fish swim in an upright vertical position (nose-down). They are perfectly adapted to this lifestyle in that the dorsal fin is situated at the end of their bodies and their tail fin is displaced vertically. They have flattened bodies with bony plates, sharp ventral edges and long snouts.
Shrimpfish are often seen in tightly packed shoals in shallow coastal waters along reef edges and in beds of seagrass.
These fish feed mainly on planktonic crustaceans. In the Aquarium, they are fed on vitamin-enriched brine shrimp as well as zooplankton. They grow to approximately 20cm.
Grow to approximately 20cm
Found in the Red Sea and off the east coast of Africa