The nosestripe clownfish is a small, oblong fish with a pale pinkish-orange colour. It has a single white stripe running along its back, from snout to tail.
Nosestripe clownfish live in shallow reefs on the East African coast, Java and Thailand. They are immune to the sting of large anemones, and they will take shelter among anemone tentacles. Their preferred hosts are the magnificent anemone (Heteractis magnifica) and the Merten's carpet anemone (Stichodactyla mertensii).
They are territorial and will defend their anemone from intruders - be they different species, or nosestripe clownfish from a different group. The female, which is the largest clownfish in the group, takes the lead in this defensive behaviour, responding to intruders by charging them and by making a series of loud noises.
Nosestripe clownfish have three sounds in their vocal repertoire, a "pop, "short chirp" and "long chirp", and they use different combinations of these sounds depending on what species they are trying to ward off or how long the encounter lasts.
Nosestripe clownfish are protandrous hermaphrodites. All are hatched male, and when occupying an anemone the largest one will changes sexes. If the female is removed or dies, the next largest male with change sexes and take her place.